Project Description

The TSM Charity Golf Foundation has been working on a project to provide dialysis care to those who cannot afford the procedure since 2010. The project recently opened its first Tan Sri Muhyiddin Charity Dialysis Centre in Titiwangsa, Kuala Lumpur thanks to support from TSM Charity Golf Foundation members. Further centres are planned or in construction in Johor, Penang and Putrajaya. For information regarding qualifying for treatment, please see below or get in touch with TSMCDC using the information in the CONTACT section of the website.

The primary site cost the TSM Charity Golf Foundation roughly 2.5 million Ringgit to set up and requires a further allowance of RM980,000 per year to cover operation and maintenance costs. It opened its doors in April 2013 after nearly a year of building and acquisition of staff and equipment.
The further sites are estimated to have a similar operational cost, although the total cost of developing each site may be lower than was required for this central Kuala Lumpur location. A ground breaking ceremony marking the start of construction of the second Tan Sri Muhyiddin Charity Dialysis Centre was overseen by YAB Tan Sri Dato Seri Hj Muhyiddin Hj Mohd Yassin and other distinguished TSM Charity Golf Foundation members in Pagoh, Johor in January 2013.

These Tan Sri Muhyiddin Charity Dialysis Centres aim to provide care and treatment for patients in vulnerable situations and those without the financial means to seek treatment elsewhere. To qualify for treatment, the following conditions should be met (these criteria are displayed for guidance and certain cases may be considered on merit- if you are not sure you qualify, please contact Tan Sri Muhyiddin Dialysis Centre for details.
- Applicant must be aged 12 years and above
- Applicant must be a Malaysian Citizen
- Applicant must be prepared to appear before a selection committee prior to receiving treatment
- Patients must be free from Hepatitis infection (namely Hepatitis A, B & C) as well as being free of HIV infection
TSMCDC accepts patients from the following categories:
- JPA sponsored patients
- SOCSO sponsored patients
- Baitumaal sponsored patients
- Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat sponsored patients
- Self paying patients
- MOH subsidised patients
Patients under sponsorship/subsidy program should be able to produce a letter of guarantee from the appropriate body. Self paying patients who are eligible for MOH subsidy will be asked to pay RM140 per treatment (inclusive of EPO) until they obtain their subsidy.
Please contact our friendly staff using the information in the CONTACT section of the website for more details.