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ANNOUNCEMENT OF BIENNIAL TSM GOLF CHALLENGE  The TSM Golf Challenge Committee, with the approval of the Malaysian Golf Association (MGA), has announced that the TSM Golf Challenge will now be held every 2-years. This decision was made to maintain the exclusivity of the TSM Golf Challenge and its academic scholarship to provide the best experience for participants. We thank you for your support and understanding and hope to see you at the next TSM Golf Challenge 2025, which promises to be even bigger and better! Stay tuned for updates on the MGA 2025 calendar year! The TSM Golf Challenge [...]




22 February 2023 Achieving Target Congratulation Statement Tan Sri Muhyiddin Charity Golf (TSMCG) Pusat Darah Negara (PDN) IGB Reit, Mid Valley Kuala Lumpur (IGB REIT) On behalf of our Founder, YB Tan Sri Dato’ Hj Muhyiddin Hj Yassin, the Office Bearers, Council Members, and the Blood Donation Drive Committee Members, we would like to take this moment to congratulate Pusat Darah Negara (PDN), the Tan Sri Muhyiddin Charity Golf Foundation and its staff members for reaching the target and for making this tough challenge possible. It gives us absolute pleasure to tell that it was completely the passion and [...]

BLOOD DONATION DRIVE 20232023-03-08T03:06:33+00:00

Founders Cup 2022


The Founders Cup 2022 is an annual fundraising tournament hosted by TSMCG in conjunction with the YB founder's birthday. TSM Charity Golf Foundation is the only foundation that provides charity to Malaysians through golf, and this year's Founders Cup was successfully organized by TSMCG. The event was held at the Kota Permai Golf & Country Club. 86 players participated in the event. During this event, TSMCGF launched its own volunteer program officiated by YB Tan Sri Dato' Hj Muhyiddin b Hj Mohd Yassin. The Founders Cup aims to raise funds to support and sustain TSMCG's charitable activities in the [...]

Founders Cup 20222022-09-13T04:30:47+00:00

Majlis Jamuan Hari Raya TSM Charity Golf Foundation 2022


The annual Majlis Hari Raya Aidilfitri TSMCG Foundation was hosted by the founder, YB Tan Sri Dato' Hj Muhyiddin Hj Yassin, TSMCG office bearers and council members. The purpose of this event is to thank the members of the councils, sponsors and individuals who have always supported the foundation. Overall, 350 guests were invited to this event. The event was held in May 17, 2022 prior to our charity golf tournament, Founders Cup 2022, at Rebung Restaurant Kuala Lumpur.  In addition to TSMCG honorary members, office bearers and council members as guests, many dignitaries from the business community, various [...]

Majlis Jamuan Hari Raya TSM Charity Golf Foundation 20222023-03-27T01:42:17+00:00

Majlis Berbuka Puasa TSMCG 2022


Majlis Berbuka Puasa is an annual event organized by Tan Sri Muhyiddin Charity Golf Foundation (TSMCGF). This year, the event was held on Sunday, April 17, 2022 at the Banquet Hall of Kuala Lumpur Golf & Country Club (KLGCC). The ceremony was attended by 145 invited guests including TSMCG council members, invited guests, representatives from 8 charities and 2 wheelchair donation recipients. The presence of our beloved founder YB Tan Sri Dato' Hj Muhyiddin b. Hj Mohd Yassin and Puan Sri Noorainee Abdul Rahman was the highlight of the event.  Students from Al-Haj Islamic High School (SMIAH) performed a [...]

Majlis Berbuka Puasa TSMCG 20222022-09-13T04:12:22+00:00

Humanitarian Relief Team (HRT): Misi Bantuan Banjir – Pantai Timur (Hulu Terengganu, Terengganu)


100 boxes of food essentials were loaded into four 4x4 to Checkpoint 2: Hulu Terengganu. Total of 65 pillows were also dropped off at Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM), Pasir Puteh, Kelantan to be distributed to flood victims along with the other 340 boxes. The TSMCGF continued their trip to Hulu Terengganu and safely arrived at Pusat Khidmat Ahli Parlimen P.038 Hulu Terengganu at 2.30PM. TSMCGF Team was greeted by En Faizal, En Azhar and Puan Norhayati, representatives from the Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM) Hulu Terengganu. 70 boxes and 70 sets [...]

Humanitarian Relief Team (HRT): Misi Bantuan Banjir – Pantai Timur (Hulu Terengganu, Terengganu)2022-09-13T03:26:07+00:00

Humanitarian Relief Team (HRT): Misi Bantuan Banjir – Pantai Timur (Pasir Puteh, Kelantan)


This mission trip to the East Coast also supported by 4 other secretariat staff (Ahmad Farhan, Wan Adzwan, Lana Asyikin, Syafiq Kamarul Azman) and 6 volunteers (including 3 drivers of 4x4). Departed from Jaya One office at 7.00am sharp. For this trip, four (4) 4x4 vehicles were used to transport basic necessities such as blankets, towels, pillows and goods previously purchased for this trip. Through our own initiative, we managed to purchase 100 items each (7 items in total) NO ITEM(S) QUANTITY 1 Towel 76 pcs 2 Pillow 65 pcs 3 [...]

Humanitarian Relief Team (HRT): Misi Bantuan Banjir – Pantai Timur (Pasir Puteh, Kelantan)2022-09-13T03:27:19+00:00

Humanitarian Relief Team (HRT): Misi Bantuan Banjir – Negeri Sembilan


Mewakili Yayasan Tan Sri Muhyiddin Charity Golf (TSMCGF), Pengurus Besar Puan Jenni Aznah, juga disertai oleh Sekretariat, En.Farhan Syarif dan En. Mohd Shameer menyantuni mangsa-mangsa banjir yang terdiri dari pelajar-pelajar asnaf dari SMK Dato' Hj Mohd Redza, Sikamat Negeri Sembilan. Turut bersama Pengetua SMK Redza, Puan Normanida dan AJK/PIBG sekolah. Sumbangan anda untuk pelajar-pelajar yang terjejas amat kami hargai. Anda Sumbang, Kami Salurkan! TSM Charity Golf Foundation (TSMCGF) CIMB ACC 8002215641 (Sila Nyatakan: Bencana Fund) ANDA SUMBANG, KAMI SALURKAN!

Humanitarian Relief Team (HRT): Misi Bantuan Banjir – Negeri Sembilan2022-09-13T03:33:43+00:00

Humanitarian Relief Team (HRT): Misi Bantuan Banjir – Hulu Langat, Selangor


Team Bantuan Prihatin Banjir bersama Pengasas Yayasan TSM Charity Golf Foundation, YB Tan Sri Muhyiddin Hj. Mohd Yassin dan diiringi oleh Datuk Hj. Wan Shalihudin, En Adam Radlan, En Firdaus Manan dan krew-krew TSMCGF bertempat di Bt.18, 19 dan 20 Sungai Lui, Hulu Langat. Sumbangan anda amat dialu-alukan, melalui Bank Akaun Rasmi: TSM CHARITY GOLF FOUNDATION CIMB ACC 8002215641 (Sila Nyatakan: Bencana Fund) ANDA SUMBANG, KAMI SALURKAN!

Humanitarian Relief Team (HRT): Misi Bantuan Banjir – Hulu Langat, Selangor2022-09-13T03:31:50+00:00

Humanitarian Relief Team (HRT): Misi Bantuan Banjir – Cheras


Team Bantuan Perhatin Banjir dari Yayasan Tan Sri Muhyiddin Charity Golf Foundation yang diketuai oleh En Firdaus Manan, Farhan Syarif dan Wan Muhd Adzwan menghulurkan bantuan keperluan kepada mangsa-mangsa banjir di Apartamen Kasturi, Bandar Permaisuri Cheras. Sumbangan boleh dibank-in kepada Pemegang Amanah TSM Charity Golf Foundation (TSMCGF) / CIMB ACC 8002215641 Dan email sumbangan anda kepada ANDA SUMBANG, KAMI SALURKAN!

Humanitarian Relief Team (HRT): Misi Bantuan Banjir – Cheras2022-09-13T03:31:27+00:00

Contact Info

5.003, Block J, The School, Jaya One, 72A, Jalan Prof Diraja Ungku Aziz, Seksyen 13, 46200, Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan

Phone: 03-7932 2039
