Welcome to the official homepage of the
Tan Sri Muhyiddin Charity Golf Foundation
“It is important that we do something in life, to help the poor and the needy and that when we give, we give from the heart.”
-YB Tan Sri Dato’ Hj Muhyiddin b Hj Mohd Yassin
The TSM Charity Golf Foundation is proud of the contributions it has been able to make with the aim of improving living conditions for Malaysians both at home and abroad. Early on in its giving capacity, the foundation provided funds to help support Malaysian students studying in Australia, New Zealand and Indonesia.
The growth in TSM Charity Golf Foundation members and their continued generosity has to lead to new projects too; sponsoring of several schools around Malaysia, subsidised dialysis centres in inner-city areas, relief to victims of natural disasters in the ASEAN region and, most recently, the plans to open a shelter for vulnerable mothers.
As well as these ongoing commitments and projects, the TSM Charity Golf Foundation also responds to natural disasters, providing aid and support to those affected in Malaysia as well as the wider South East Asia region. The TSM Charity Golf Foundation also supports a number of orphanages and schools in the region, providing financial assistance to reduce the cost of running such establishments.
The TSM Charity Golf Foundation once again thanks to its members and sponsors who have contributed so much to the charity over the years and look forward to many more successful projects in the future.

The organisation has several objectives it hopes to achieve through the donation of funds to a variety of causes. The main objective is to alleviate suffering and improve living conditions for those most at risk due to socio-economic circumstances beyond their control. The secondary objective is to provide scholarship funds for promising students to further their education overseas and provide an avenue for young amateur golfers to improve their game in an academy environment.
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